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- ₹525.00
₹1,140.00 - ₹490.00
₹1,600.00 - ₹490.00
₹540.00 - ₹489.00
₹950.00 - ₹390.00 – ₹460.00
- ₹460.00
Romsons Infution Set SS3062 is a non-toxic, pyrogen free, sterile, DEHP free, single use IV Set. It is sterile and ready to use Infusion set.
₹460.00₹4,440.00- ₹440.00
₹444.00 Gloves Latex Examination Glove...
- Romsons Latex Medical Examination Powdered Hand Gloves offers its users the best barrier protection in areas of potential risk associated with blood borne pathogens and other substances.
₹429.00₹1,200.00- ₹399.00
₹899.0056% off - ₹395.00
₹935.00 - ₹395.00
₹820.00 Romsons Kenpore Paper Tape Mic...
The microporous paper tape or the doctor tape is an extremely popular, hypoallergenic, microporous tape. The microporous tape fights with infection and helps recuperate safely due to its unique anti-microbial properties. It is gentle to the skin, adheres well and leaves minimal adhesive residue upon removal.
₹390.00₹629.0038% off- ₹380.00
₹619.0039% off - ₹380.00
₹750.00 - ₹379.00