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₹504.00 - ₹999.00 – ₹1,799.00
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₹3,150.00 - ₹599.00
₹1,600.00 Acupuncture Dry Needles (pack ...
Acupuncture needles is a tool used as an alternative medicine in which the needles are inserted into the body. It is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).A systematic review found little evidence of acupuncture’s effectiveness in treating pain.
₹330.00₹999.00Alcohol Prep Pads Dr. Seibert
Alcohol Prep Pads, also known as alcohol swabs, are gauze pads that have been soaked with alcohol. They are ideal antiseptic wipes manufactured for cleaning an area of the skin prior to an injection, needle puncture or minor pre-operation, in order to prevent infections from bacteria.
₹290.00- ₹490.00
₹540.00 Romsons Feedy Infant Feeding T...
Romsons Feedy Infant Feeding Tube is made for the purpose of infant feeding it is available in various sizes and colour codes.