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- ₹1,550.00
₹2,799.00 - ₹690.00
₹747.00 Castor Oil Parachem 100ml
Its humectant properties make it an excellent moisturiser. Triglycerides found in castor oil helps in removing dirt from the skin.
₹80.00₹104.00AVM Super Dry Bath Wipes
AVM Super Dry – Bed Bath Wipes are made of satin soft material, highly purified/demineralized /pH balanced water.
₹180.00₹280.00Stericot Surface Cleaning Wipe...
Wipes out virus and bacteria in seconds. Just clean and let the surface dry No need of re-wiping with a dry cloth Removes fingerprints, grease and dirt Safe to use on all mobile, electronics devices, sunglasses, watches etc. Gentle yet effective formula will not damage or leave scratch
₹152.00₹300.00Dr Seibert Nebulizer Machine (...
Nebulizer are machines that turn liquid medications into a fine mist, allowing for easy absorption into the lungs. They are used for a variety of health conditions.
₹1,400.00₹1,590.00Romsons Nebulizer Mask
The Romsons Aero Mist Nebulizer Cup & Mask Set has a larger surface area provided by unique convex cone design, ensures maximum capillary action and eliminates medication wastage.
₹155.00₹572.00- ₹380.00
₹750.00 - ₹1,499.00
₹1,565.00 - ₹310.00 – ₹320.00
Perfecxa fetal doppler | Heart...
listen to your unborn baby’s heartbeat comfortably and privately at your own home. Enjoy the amazing experience of hearing your baby’s heartbeat.
₹3,440.00₹6,999.00Portable Accusure Nebulizer UL
Accusure Nebulizer UL is Perfect for Elder and Kids This machine is easy to use and more suitable for elder and kids. It is perfect for home use, providing dependable efficient nebulization treatments.
₹1,399.00₹1,599.00Romsons Nasal Aspirator
The Romsons Nose Cleaner removes congestion from baby’s nose with a safe, gentle suction motion. Specially designed with a soft nozzle for easy cleaning of mucus in baby’s nostril whilst taking care not to damage the delicate mucus membranes.