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DS-8 Ventmed BiPAP Machine (ST...
BiPAP is commonly used in the care of patients with chronic respiratory disease, such as COPD, so it may be useful in COVID-19 for patients who have co-morbidities such as COPD plus COVID-19.
₹33,990.00₹58,000.00- ₹5,850.00
₹6,145.00 - ₹3,800.00
₹6,999.00 - ₹3,500.00
₹8,999.00 Perfecxa fetal doppler | Heart...
listen to your unborn baby’s heartbeat comfortably and privately at your own home. Enjoy the amazing experience of hearing your baby’s heartbeat.
₹3,440.00₹6,999.00Nosor Bedsores Prevention Kit
NOSOR Mattress can help prevent bedsores and helps in the healing process.
₹2,990.00₹3,500.00- ₹2,900.00
₹4,999.00 - ₹2,799.00
₹5,999.00 - ₹2,790.00
₹3,300.00 - ₹2,777.00
₹5,000.00 Dr. Odin Electric Single Bed W...
- Suitable for all age groups and genders
- It can easily be attached to the bed
- It provides fast heating and can also prevent over-heating
₹2,710.00₹3,399.00Dr. Seibert Air Mattress Bed S...
Medical Airbed Mattress or Bed Sore Prevention Kit is used for pressure relief therapy and the treatment of pressure consists two important parts pump and mattress.
₹2,580.00₹3,890.00- ₹2,549.00
₹4,495.00 - ₹2,440.00
₹3,560.00 - ₹2,299.00
₹2,499.00 - ₹2,200.00
₹2,510.00 Sesco sphygmomanometer
Sesco Sphygmomanometer Mercury Blood Pressure Monitor
Sesco Sphygmomanometer Mercury Blood Pressure Monitor uses First grade quality, virgin material. Purity of mercury 99.99 percent due to assured triple distillation process. 0 to 300 mm of Hg scale with elegant finish, fine numbering and durable background contrast paint for clear visibility.
Medical Equipment for Clinical & Home use. We have varieties in Blood Pressure Monitors, Glucose blood sugar monitor, Nebulizers, Respirometers, Air Mattress, Massagers, digital and mercurial thermometers, hearing aids, vaporizers. All our products come with brand warranties (where ever applicable)